Specific Procurement Notice Nº 001/ESA/24
Request for Bids Goods and Services (One-Envelope Bidding Process)
Country: Cabo Verde
Name of Project: Energy Loss Reduction and Power Quality Improvement Program – ICB Nº Component 3 – Protection Relay
Contract Title: Protection Relay Acquisition
Grant: Investment Facility IF – European Investment Bank, EIB
RFB Reference No.: Component 3 – Protection Relay
Date: March 21st, 2024
The Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde has received a grant from the Investment Facility – IF, that is administered by the European Investment Bank – EIB towards the cost of the project Energy Loss Reduction and Power Quality Improvement Program. This International Invitation for Tenders relates to the contracts for Bidding Document for Procurement of Protection Relay acquisition and technical assistance and training services in one lot.
General scope of the project: the aim of the present Tender is to select a supplier for one lot as follows:
Acquisition of Protection Relays: it is considered the purchase of 69 units of Protections Relays under the Action subject to fully compatibility to the power system as per the operation requirements of the system operator, and,
Procurement of services of Training and Technical assistance.
This contract is expected to be implemented from April 2024 to September 2024.
The criteria to be used in the tender evaluation is lowest evaluated bid and is substantially responsive to the Tender Documents.
All qualified firms/consortia from all countries are invited to participate in the tender. Qualifications criteria includes:
Relay protections with similar functionalities have been delivered to three different utilities in three different countries in the last two years.
Relay protections with similar functionalities have been delivered to Electra SA.
Detail qualification criteria (based on financial capacity, technical capacity, and specific experience) are specified in tender documents.
The implementing entity, Electra SA. through its Procurement Department (USAL), now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for supply of protection relay and technical assistance on installation and Training services. Details of the goods to be delivered and related services are described in the technical specification and BoQ.
The Bidding process will be conducted through international competitive procurement using Cabo Verde National Rules (Lei n.º88/VIII/2015 de Abril, que aprova o Código de Contratação Público (publicado no BO n.º 24 I Série), and EIB Guide to procurement. It will be open to all countries.
Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Electra S.A. in written only through emails bellows, during office hours from 09 am to 17pm, local time.
The bidding document in English language only, may be requested trough the following emails and website:
mail to: r.martins@electra.cv / j.barbosa@electra.cv
or website: https://www.electra.cv/backend/web/uploads/EnergyLossReductionandPowerQualityImprovementProgram.pdf
Bid Security in form of a Bank Guarantee is not applicable.
Bids must be delivered to the address below (§16) on or before April 27th, 2024, at 14h00, local time.
Electronic Bidding will be permitted. Please check the bidding document for instructions.
Late Bids will be rejected.
Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidder’s designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below (16) on April 27th, at 15h00, local time.
A pre-bid meeting will not be organized.
The address referred above, in the 11 and 14 is:
Attention: José Barbosa and Ricardo Martins
Address: Rua Dr. Baltazar Lopes da Silva no.10, PO Box 137
City: Mindelo, Island: São Vicente
Country: The Republic of Cabo Verde
Tel.: +(238) 2303030
Electronic mail address: j.barbosa@electra.cv / r.martins@electra.cv /
Website: https://www.electra.cv/